With time, your parents will age and become less and less capable of living independently.
While this could be the result of a long-term illness or merely age, your parents will need assistance with day-to-day activities. If you or one of your family members is planning on shouldering the task of helping your aging parents, there are some things that you will need to know.
Here are some common misconceptions children can have when taking care of their elderly parents.
1. Medicare will cover the cost of long-term care. Many people believe that Medicare or other health policies will cover their elderly parents’ health costs. Unfortunately, this is not true for two reasons. As your parent’s age, their costs will inevitably increase.
There will be more frequent doctor appointments, more medications that need to be paid for, and even the absolute necessity for assisted living services. Under Medicare, only appointments, medications, temporary rehab, and various procedures are paid for. It is important to be aware of the financial constraints of such health care policies.
2. You have to be a professional to provide care. Caring for your parents doesn’t need to be done by a professional. In fact, caring for the elderly doesn’t necessitate a medical degree but a compassionate individual who is patient and trained in basic care for elderly assistance. Depending on the individual circumstance, assistance can be as little as preparing meals and helping with household chores.
Of course, if your elderly parents necessitate constant medical supervision, a licensed professional will be necessary, but otherwise, a family member is capable of providing aid. Especially if finances are a source of stress, having a family member care for your elderly parents can help your parents to save on health care costs.
3. You don’t need a plan. Home Caregivers who attend to their seniors without a long-term plan can make caring difficult. It is important to want to increase mobility, independence, and overall quality of health in patients. Doing so can help home caregivers to improve the health of their elderly seniors. Although your parent’s health has decreased, making a long-term plan in which their health is recovered or at least improved can make your task easier to quantify and less stressful.
4. Caregiving is an easy job. While working with seniors, all sorts of complications and unexpected obstacles may arise. Therefore, managing stress levels and taking care of yourself during off hours is important. If you manage your stress levels and stay healthy, you can provide adequate care for your elderly parent.
It is important to communicate with your parents and understand what they want and need so that your job is easier and everyone is more comfortable and happy. Finding the balance between taking care of yourself and caring for your parents is going to keep you and your parents happy.
5. Your parents are taken care of, so you don’t have to worry. Many adult children think that because their parents are being taken care of by an aid, their sibling, or a third party, they don’t need to worry about their elderly parents. But that’s often not the case.
While your parents may have someone assisting them with day-to-day activities, you still have some responsibility. By remaining active in your parents’ lives, you are letting your parents know that you are there for them. This can help to ease stress and worry in their lives and give you the peace of mind that your parents are properly looked after.